Friday, February 18, 2011


I've been thinking about this great subject the Atonement and the power of Christ. I been meaning to dig out a book in our packed boxes called, "Jesus the Christ". As we have been studying the Savor in the New Testament I have a burning desire to get to know Him, and all that He did. The Atonement is such a powerful act and bond that was created. It is what fuses us to true Love, the Love of our Heavenly Father.
Lately I have had some experiences that has made my heartache with the desire for those I love to be healed or touched by this great miracle that we have. But we the loving watchers of our brothers and sisters have to step aside and allow a choice to be made by those we love. This is the hardest thing for me I want to step in, pick up, dust off and gently guide them to our Savor.
I know I can't but I can bare a pure testimony that will hopefully plant a seed.
I know we have a Loving Heavenly Father. When I work on people I feel that love, the spirit whispers the truth of His love everyday. I know He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to be slaughter like a perfect lamb so that we all may live again.
Jesus Christ is real He broke the chains of death, He bought us with His precious blood. He is among us if we only humble our self and kneel in prayer to ask Him to be with us. I know there isn't anything He can not do. I've seen hearts mended, lives saved, peace brought to those in great pain, and much more. I know these things are true I know there is Hope if we only have Faith and Endure. If you feel helpless you are not alone. We all go through hard times we all need help and that is okay, that is what makes us children. We need our Heavenly Father and Mother and most of all our Big Brother to teach us and bring us Home.
I love you al,l I know I'm not perfect but I know I have a perfect source to go to. May you have those blessings you need. Again I love you and if you need an ear I would love to listen. Please remember who you are and that many people pray for you and are waiting to serve you with tender love.

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